About Spinnaker Chorus

We are Spinnaker Chorus

Spinnaker formed in July 2004 with a membership of 25.  The chorus has now grown to around 65 members and with our Musical Director, John Palmer, we continue to strive towards being the best that we can be.

Though Spinnaker is a relatively new group, many of its members have been singing barbershop for a number of years.  We also have newcomers to barbershop who have been involved in the hobby for less than a year.  From teenagers to 80 somethings, Spinnaker brings together all ages. Several of our members have family ties with each other.

In an effort to stay committed to singing and performing at the highest possible level, we compete each year in a national contest and we also perform our own annual show to raise our profile in the community.

We can be seen and heard throughout the year, performing for major corporations, civic and charitable organisations, private groups, churches, community events, and fundraisers.

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Spinnaker Chorus